مع اقتراب الموسم الثامن والأخير من المسلسل الفانتازى Game of Thrones من نهايته، أصدر كل من الفنانون: ذا ويكند، سولانا إيمانى روي، ترافيس سكوت أغنية بعنوان Power Is Power.
أغنية Power Is Power من ألبوم For The Throne compilation، وفى الفيديو كليب تتوافق الصورة المرئية للمشاهد المقتبسة من مسلسل Game of Thrones مع كلمات وألحان Power Is Power.

Power Is Power
Power Is Power
I was born of the ice and snow
With the winter wolves and the dark alone
The wildest night, I became the one
And you'll know you're mine when the silence comes
Heavy is the crown only for the week
The knife in my heart couldn't slow me down
'Cause power is power, the fire never goes out
I rise from my scars, nothing hurts me now
'Cause power is power
Now watch me burn it down
I been down with the coldest war
And I know where I been 'cause I bled before, yeah
How do I know if I let you stay?
How do I know if we did it your way?
You wouldn't take my place
Put me away, I'd die lookin' up at your face
How do I ever know? Who can I trust?
Feelings of emptiness
Only love could kill me, God bless
The knife in my heart
Couldn't slow me down couldn't slow me down
'Cause power is power 'cause power is power
The fire never goes out
I rise from my scars
Nothing hurts me now nothing hurts me now
'Cause power is power 'cause power is power
Now watch me burn it down
Breathe, feel the air that I breathe yeah
Air that I, air that I breathe ooh
Who's out here? Been a monster with a crown ooh
Soul-swapper, high water, keep your head up, you might drown ooh
Hit it, swirl, it's way colder, by the day, we count it down
Been and found, just been waitin' up, she gon' come around
I took a drag, bust it out the gates, my lil' baby slay
I wore the flag, put that on my face, ain't nobody safe
Lift the mask, they gon' have to see what they can't erase
I took a life, so I took it back do-do-do-do-do, yeah
Danger's on my mind ah
Ain't no knife, dagger, bullet that can do it
For you, yeah, you know I do it, that should do it, yeah, yeah
Heavy, is the crown ah, but never for a queen oh, yeah
The knife in my heart
It couldn't slow me down couldn't slow me down
'Cause power is power 'cause power is power
The fire never goes out oh
I rise from my scars
Nothing hurts me now nothing hurts me now
'Cause power is power 'cause power is power
Now watch me burn it down ooh, yeah, yeah
Now watch me burn it down

مسلسل Game Of Thrones بدأ عرضه فى عام 2011، ويعد من أشهر مسلسلات الخيال العلمى الدرامية، وحقق نجاحا كبيرا منذ بداية عرضه على شبكة "HBO" الأمريكية، كما حصل على العديد من الجوائز، وهو يروى قصة ملحمية بين 7 ممالك تتصارع على العرش، وهو مقتبس عن السلسلة الروائية "أغنية الجليد والنار" للكاتب جورج أر أر مارتن، ويشارك فى بطولته عدد كبير من النجوم أبرزهم، إميليا كلارك، كيت هارينجتون، لينا هيدى، نيكولاج كوستير والدوا، بيتر دانكلينج، صوفى ترنر، مايسى ويليامز.
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